The first item of any Family Research is to know what you want from your research.
To get started, you need a Genealogy Program to enter your information.
2. RootsMagic (Win or Mac)
3. Brother’s Keeper (All have a FREE Trial Version.)
4. Reunion (Mac)
Where to start: Always with yourself and with only one line- Paternal or Maternal
Our main goal is to find our early family from their Home Land
A. Family
1. Yourself
2. Parents
3. Other Relatives
4. Grandparents and Immigrant Relatives
B. Local Resources
1. Public Library- Genealogy section
2. Family Search Centers- There are Mormon search centers in San Antonio
3. Texas CZ Heritage Center Library, La Grange, TX
4. Tex CZ Gen. Soc Workshops
6. Bexar Co CHS books- call President to see who has the books at present
C. Web Sites
1. Family FREE
a. All types of helpful Czech research information.
b. Many records for persons in the United States
Other Records available only at a Family Search Center
2. Ancestry.Com Paid Site
a. Local Public Library Genealogy Departments. Available FREE.
b. Family Search Center. Available FREE.
3. Find a
a. Look up family siblings
b. Find info from siblings and even obituaries
D. TCHCC, La Grange, TX
a. Many holdings for NE & SE Moravia
b. Family Histories
c. All forms of Czech information-Area newspapers (Microfiche), periodicals
E. Czech Republic Archives on the Web
a. Church registers: Birth, Marriage, and Death (1700-1900)
b. Land records
SEE CONTACT PAGE for Genealogy Contacts